Just posted my comment on this take. Agreed with a lot but had an issue with their idea of separate and holy....of course they won't leave my comment on it. So here is my comment on that part
I was in complete agreement until she implied her interpretation of being able to add to the Cross and work to please God. As if you could go to Walmart and buy holiness off a rack. When in fact all of the clothes you buy,blouses, skirts, sunglasses, shoes and purses, are all created by a lot of non- believers.Holiness is a complete heart issue. It Only comes from God alone. It can not in no way come from us even if our dress was to our knees and our hair to the floor. Pride is produced when we think that WE can separate ourselves through how we dress. Therefore negates your idea of Holiness.
Of course they will never read this because it's scary to see something other than what they believe that might actually make since. They would rather say to scare people off with horror stories of what happens to people if they leave.... or do not listen to anyone but us because if you do its of a deceiving spirit. When it actually is God trying to grow you up and become free in him not by your works.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--Ephesians 2:8
Believe you me it's so refreshing to attend a conference where there is no dressing up like a modeling runway with strutting in elaborate dresses with hair piled up with each curl pinned perfectly, that they spent an hour on. It's so refreshing to attend a conference where it's about the true grace of God. It's not about screaming, yelling and boasting how everyone is wrong and you are apart of an elitist group who narcissisticly acts like they are the only one separate and that their filthy rags of works is better than everyone else. It's awesome to be around some of the most humble people of God where there is no competition, eagle eyeing, comparing, name bombing, social climbing, political in an intimidating place. I love that I do not have to deal with that anymore.
But when you only hear one side for so long that's all you will believe. Therefore only allow posts that prop up your belief because after all when your life is led by fear (and lots of it) you will defend your only stance. I know more separated women of God in the Assembly Of God than I ever did in the UPC. It feels so great to follow men of God who are so real. The leadership including the Superintended is accessible, humble, down to earth with no hidden agendas but to see Gods Kingdom fulfilled. We do not see small men wrapped up in titles trying to get a position or grazing the platform to be stars. They do not use positions to act like its about their kingdom and they are apart of some royalty. This also includes their kids. It's a totally different atmosphere. And they are three times bigger than other small organizations and that's just half of the State.People just want to see Jesus. Stop slicking your preference to perform to the crowd in saying one liners to manipulate a response.
So reread the scripture of humility, sobriety and not elaborated braiding and such...might help.
“And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcised of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14).
Not to offend, but if your gonna put it out there in the
world Wide web of Facebook then be ready to hear the
other side of the body of Christ.
The whole reason I bring it up is because we were in the UPC for 30 years. We left on great terms with men begging us not to leave. We were just so tired of double standards. So tired of performance and fakers. It was all about their idea of Holiness and said over and over hundreds of times, like they are even trying to even convince themselves. You just can not build a doctrine on that. Legalism is binding and heavy. It was more than their idea of standards. It was the weight of living in fear and never enough. We wanted to know Grace....legalism is unending and is never enough. God led us out and some amazing things have happened for us. We are more spiritually a better representation for Christ now than ever. We feel so much closer to him now than ever. He led us to a part of his body where we could actually concentrate on growing up on the inside, being healed and really learning about him more than ever. God is so Good!!!
I'm not saying everything is bad in the UPC, some of the music is amazing, I love their gift for hospitality and fellowship. you just need to have more balance. I'm not saying to dress like this is bad. Look if you want to have a heart to please God and look a certain way, God bless you. Christian, should want to be like God and separate from sin. That all comes in disciplining, time and growth. If people want to fast every Monday....nothing wrong with that. If people want to wear suits and pass out tracks to everyone...God bless you. I still have friends and family still with them. I do not love them less. A lot of the people still in it does not agree with a lot. It's all they know. However, we can not say the same for them toward us. It's like the Amish. If you leave them then they say you are rejecting the TRUTH. In in fact Jesus is Truth. We have not rejected him. God has led us to an accepting amazing humble group of his body that represents him well.
What will never change is — God’s passionate love and care for us (Rom 8:38-39). God’s complete forgiveness of us (Rom 8:1). God’s merciful, helping presence with us (Heb 13:5). God’s commitment to keep us persevering to the end (Jude 1:24-25).
I just want to keep it real. What I disagree with is when you slide off track to say everyone should dress like that, and if you don't your not good enough, do not please God or even worse...they are not saved. That's a very small wrong mind set. Stop putting unnecessary yolks on precious people. It's a heart issue. I have seen Indian women, Muslim women, Amish Women and you can't get more separated than that concerning looks. But they are not holy. If 'you want to wear nice clothes for God great! But where you get off is when you pass down mans traditions saying it pleases God. God is already pleased with you. You belong to him. God already accepts you! He loves you unconditionally. Your enough for him in all of your limitations. WHY do you think we will need a new body when the rapture happens? Stop taking Gods place and placing your conditions and judgments on other believers. Your only one small part of the body of Christ. Your bought with a price. Stop making people pay at the door of the temple by saying what one mans sacrifice is not as good as yours. Making them pay to get into heaven to be accepted is ABSOLUTELY wrong. Your not God! You did not die on the cross. The Gospel is very simple and pure. No one can add to it, so stop trying!!!
This is the article I was referring to: