Misplaced Distrust

In the ministry you will come across many people that love to lead but hate to follow. My mother always told me that the best followers make the best leaders. If you can't follow then you can't lead. In pastoring you will always be disappointed in many people. The biggest fight of faith is to keep from fighting. The same people that you start out with will not always be with you. Do we still give people our best? I say you have to have the attitude of, "everything I do is unto the Lord." If you become discouraged, and lack trust in people be very careful. You can create lenses of distrust. God will always send people in the ministry to be a blessing. We can not get to a place of where we put up a wall to everyone because of our lack of trust in people. When people come to the church you have to know that some people just have misplaced distrust. They can't see your heart or your love. They have had bad experiences in the past with authority. If they are not healed they will view you through the same lenses. I am here to let you know we can TRUST! We can break the cycles in our lives. We can stop moving to distract us from the problem. Only to find that it will resurface again. You will never fully reach your fullest potential until you can learn how to sit still and TRUST. Who can you really trust? As you read verse 3, it makes you wonder what had happened in David's life that left him discouraged and untrusting of everyone. He wrote,"put not your trust in princes, not in the son of man, in whom there is not help"(v.3) He had obviously been disappointed by someone that he thought he could really trust. You may feel like you are in a real quandary---afraid to completely trust anyone but desperate for someone that you can trust. There is a great need for a solution to this problem. This does not mean that everyone is untrustworthy. However, you can expect to be disappointed by people whom you have trusted. They may not have intended to betray your trust,but people have very little real control over their lives. Circumstances beyond their control may cause people to be unable to carry out their control may cause people to be unable to carry out their commitments.It could be in their DNA put in through childhood. David understood this and wrote, "His breath goeth forth, he returned to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish"V 4) Before you become discouraged and critical of other people, examine your own life. Determine whether or not others can absolutely trust you at all times. The above thoughts should encouraged you to "Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed" (Psalm 37:3) Never allow distrust of other people to cause you to distrust God. He is the only one you can absolutely trust. You can rely on his FAITHFULNESS.Submitting to autority is way to trust your heavenly father. It is almost impossible to love without trusting someone. Focus your trust upon the Lord.He will always be faithful to you. Trust Him to lead you into relationships with others whom you can trust.

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