There is a lot of injustice in the world today. You would think that's to be expected. The world has a whole sinful way of dealing with so much. There is sorrow, pain, cheating, lying and so much more.
But as a Christians, is that suppose to be in the church? Is there suppose to be bad politics? Is there suppose to be backstabbing, lying and so much of the world in the church?
"It is essential to note that God does not Will that these things happen! God does not will that man suffer, but He allows it because it is the effect of Original sin and the result of our fallen nature, in combination with the exercise of our free will. However God always seeks to draw good from everything, especially suffering. We need only look at Jesus' passion and death at the hands of humanity to see this truth. And God always seeks to draw good from evil. This is why in Romans 8: 27-28 St Paul says " And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God's will. We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
The key is that "all things work for good for those who love God". And so for example, out of love for God, and with the help of God's grace, we are able to turn an betrayal or a suffering into a blessing and a grace, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. And this is essentially the sacrificial offering of a christian who is united with Christ. It is accepting our cross and offering it to God, sacrificing and suffering for others out of love for God, just as Jesus our beloved Savior did. It is not simply a sacrifice or a suffering, but it is sacrificial suffering. It is willingly making a sacrifice or accepting a suffering and offering it to God, thereby turning it into a is redemptive suffering. It willingly cooperating with God by turning something evil into good. Such is the call of a christian to pick up one's cross and to follow Jesus.
Yes, bad stuff happens in the church. Bad stuff happens in denominations. Every denominations. We live in a fallen world with imperfect people. As a child I caught my pastors hand on a ladies area that should not have been. This woman was not his wife. Later after so much more...they ran off together. I will never forget my mother saying to me.....keep your eyes on Jesus! He is the only one you can fully trust and lean on. He will never make a mistake. But leaders....People...members...will make mistakes every day of the week.
We are not to become bitter when life hands us lemons. Lord help us when there is INJUSTICE that we do not become bitter.
We are not to repeat the past of someone else. If your father ran away pursuing his dreams( chasing other women) make sure that you don't run away to pursue your dreams( what ever that may look like) about the same age he did and destroy your family. If your dream doesn't destroy your marriage and the family unit or your soul then go forit, accomplish it!!! But make sure when your 65 and your looking around and all you have left is dollars in the bank, fake metal trophies, that a much younger competitor breaks shortly after, and wrinkled skin, is not all that you have. Make sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Build a life of true subtance.