Coming Out Of Religion



In the law of religion and not a relationship, earning God's love and favor is work. That is not what God ever intended. This is how you know.. Fear, pride, being tired, and feeling guilt are your constant companions. Not feeling good enough or you can't measure up is the order that keeps popping up in your life. It's like how I use to think growing up.
You sin... you're out. You ask God to forgive you, you're back in. Laws kept my favor. Hell and screaming was the order of the service preached more than the love of God. Because controlling through fear was a lot easier. So everyone stood in line like toy soldiers waiting for orders to be screamed out. The same cherry-picked scriptures were drilled in over and over trying to prop up "truth."
My thoughts were, He loved me more than those other people because they don't look the Part. They don't have all the "truth." I am more likely to get to heaven than those people who were not part of "My tribe." So arrogance stroked my confidence that I am going to be saved or have God's favor because of what I do.
I went to church the most. I looked the part, I prayed, fasted, I crossed all the things in my life that I was taught in church. Then one day when I stand before God then I will know if I am saved by my "works" performance. ......How very wrong I was.
One day I humbled myself enough to say...what if I am wrong. What if how I was taught was not all right. For once I stopped being a hardnose defensive believer that I had all the truth. That's when God began to really grow me up. I had to face the truth of his unconditional love for me. I graduated from daycare to life. The taskmaster was no longer popping my hands to get it right. Surprisingly I found out the small number of scriptures that I build my "truth" on was very minimal compared to the number of scriptures that opened up for what God was trying to teach in the first place.
Here's the clarity of the real Gospel. The "truth" doesn't need to be propped up every service. It just remains true from the word of God.
I can't add one thing to the cross. THE completed work Of Calvary did it all. Saved .......time....Sanctified(progressive disciples, growing) ....time...Filled with the Holy Ghost(ministry)....
I do not work to please God. If God shows me an area I need to grow in, it's not about my salvation when I am in him. It's about his unconditional love for me and how he wants the best life for me here. Know and understand the Kingdoms and the biblical differences.


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